Thursday, June 25, 2009

vlog vlog vlog go away

This vlog is therapeutic for me in a couple ways:

1. Shooting all on the fly, in the moment, and forcing myself to post it helps me not take myself so seriously and breaks down my bend towards perfectionism. Every creative person needs a nonsensical "junk pile / recycling bin". Sometimes the most brilliant, beautiful ideas rise up out of all that creative compost....

2. Im understanding the capacities of imovie a little more.

3. I LOVE fish and dislike self contained, detached, formulated cooking shows. Maybe they are so fascinating because they are so unrealistic--whoever has a sanitary, clean kitchen? In our house the kitchen is unparalleled in its rich, messy, living character.

4. Im slowly gaining ground over my camera-shyness.

We will be filming in downtown Portland tomorrow...running around in doctor's masks and wearing ties..........things are happening here and its rousing new life in me.

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