Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Im writing a book...

...always wanted to, but finally getting around to it. It sounds so pretentious saying, "I'm writing a book.", but oh well. Im excited about it, it's basically a user's guide to being creative, the idea being that there are some basic universal concepts to the process of creativity, and if we dig hard enough into our creative person we will find a lot of relatable stuff in there to help increase our work flow and quality of work. Here is a portion, "You see, these pages are you because they were written by you. Back when there was nothing, we were all the same thing, and the universe exploded within itself sending millions of particles of the same matter/substance into space.....and everything came from one place and became its own entity...and it was good. I am woven with the same fabric as you, and that in its own way helps me understand you and humanity on more universal terms. You and I are more alike than we might have imagined, yet you are nothing like me. Such is the paradox called “being human”. It is this precise humanness that binds us and distinguishes us at the same time. In fact, this truth becomes more self evident the deeper I begin to dig into my own psyche and human behavior, revealing more and more of myself and at the same time, hitting the bedrock of what it is to be human. In other words, the more I understand me, the more I understand you. Being “human” is a very complex and simple thing, really, and while all of us do many things in many ways, the basics of human ingenuity and creativity are almost entirely universal. Just as every car fits a different shape and purpose, they all have the same basic functions that cause them to accelerate and brake. No matter if its a Ford or a Volvo, you still find the same combustible gears and gadgets under the hood. Every car needs a power source to move, every car needs brakes to stop, every car needs mirrors to see it surroundings, and so on and so on. So just imagine these pages to be the extended version of a drivers manual of your own creative psyche, and even though it may have been written by some depressed 35 year old guy somewhere, in some obscure corner of the earth, it still relates to you in the sense that you are human and that guy is human and in some distance of time and space, as he opened up the hood of his own creative psyche, he saw your face staring back at him.....as he suffered, you suffer, as he strove, you strive, as he rejoiced and revelated, so did you and will you through your interwoven human experience together."

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