Monday, April 5, 2010

Man vs. Beta album cover!

This is the image/cover for the new ep. MAN VS. BETA that will appear in digital stores...of course, maybe one day I will satisfy all my outdated and outmoded tendencies to make something tangible that you can hold in your hand and leaf through, but alas, it seems the digital age is too impulsive and short tempered for that right now.

No problem, its more efficient I suppose, and honestly I never did like CD's. Still, I lament to see the tactile and visual so easily drift from music.....I remember the days when I'd buy an album and sit listening to it entirely, leafing through it's jacket/book under the smell of newly pressed card stock--black powdered ink on the tips of my fingers.....sighhh...--maybe I listened to too much emo--

Those were the days. Albums mattered more then singles and shuffle was something you did on a mix tape.....on purpose

Anyways, what a depressing way to showcase the digital cover for the new ep.! Believe it or not, Im pretty excited about it. Nicole and I designed it using images from old discarded library books we gathered over the years....I think that I might stick to this theme for future LITTLE CZAR AND THE PSALMIST releases....

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